C# vs Java

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Section 1. Introduction . 1.4 C# vs Java

C#, usually known as C Sharp or C-Sharp, is object-oriented programming, also called OOP, a language used in Web development and networking. C# enhanced and amended various C++ and C features that automatically manage object memory, which is not accessible by using trash collectors.

Java is a language for programming that develops software for several platforms. A compiled code or bytecode on Java application can run on most of the operating systems, including Linux, Mac operating system, and Linux. Most of the syntax of Java is derived from the C++ and C languages.

C# vs Java

Developed in the 1990s by James A. Gosling, Java facilitates object intercommunication by internet users and GUI (Graphical User Interface) by producing browser-run programs or applets. To develop a program in Java, we need an SDK or Software development kit that usually consists of an interpreter, documentation generator, compiler, and different other tools that are utilized to develop a well-functioning application.

C# language was developed by a Dutch software engineer named Anders Hejlsberg and his team in 1999. This feature increases the chances of memory leaks and issues that developers face.

Being an Object-Oriented Programming Language, Java develops the OOP application relatively easier than C# and other programming languages. Java advances the extensibility and flexibility of the system and makes it modular. Java Doesn’t have many implementation dependencies like C#.

Java Programs offer portability in the network. Java objects do not consist of any reference to external data. It is being executed on the client instead of the server that enables it to run faster than any other programming language. Moreover, Java-based websites and applications will not work until and unless Java is installed on your device.

C# allows enumerations, whereas Java doesn’t include enumerations.

C# has a bool that is a strict Boolean data variable type. Whereas Java bool variable types might return as pointers or integers to prevent prevalent errors that are involved in programming.

Key differences between C# and Java

  • C# contains more functionalities and primitive types to get arithmetic omissions, while Java doesn’t have these functionalities.
  • C# has many notational convinces as compared to Java that includes user-defined casts and operator overloading.
  • strictfp keyword in Java makes sure that floating-point operation results stay exactly the same on all platforms.
  • C# allows the “struts” definition that is similar to classes but might be located on the stack. Whereas this does not happen in Java.
  • C# properties are implemented as a chunk of language syntax.
  • The “Explicit Member Implementation” in C# allows a class to implement an interface specification method, apart from its class methods. In this way, two interfaces having the method of the same name can be implemented. This method only made accessible through that interface.
  • C# contains delegates, while Java does not.
  • C# given an integration with COM.
  • Java supports omission checks to handle and trap errors.
  • C# does not support omission checks. This is where C# lacks behind Java due to the fact that Checked exceptions are good for programming.
  • Java has no primitive unsigned numeric types. This is what makes Java unsuitable for programming of a low level.
  • Namespace in Java does not tell the source file location.
  • C# Namespaces are pretty much similar to namespaces of C++.
  • C# contains delegates. On the other hand, Java does not contain delegates.
  • Java only allows source files that have a public class inside it.
  • C# requires a source file that has multiple public classes.
  • C# vs Java Performance both have a different take on polymorphism. Java allows polymorphism by default. Whereas C# does not.
  • C# lets the programmer use pointers.
  • Microsoft completely handles the API of C#.
  • An open community process controls Java API.
  • C# uses non-virtual methods on its own.
  • Whereas Java uses virtual methods by default.
  • C# includes operator overloading.
  • Java does not allow operator overloading, which makes it more hassle-free.
The basis of comparison C#Java
ArchitectureIt runs on a network called .NET Framework. The C# source code is arranged into an IL (Intermediate Language)It combines both the interpretation and compilation approach. Bytecode is interpreted by Java Virtual Machine. Machine code generated by JVM and executed by the system in which the Java program runs.
LanguageBased on JScript.Java is an independent language.
Expression SyntaxIt depends upon where it is written; it is compiled as normal when assigned to Func<int, int>.Syntax the same everywhere – independent of an IDE or a compiler
Mobile SupportProvide mobile supportIt depends upon the device manufacturers.
RoutingUses ASP.Net for routing configurationUses Akka.routing.ConsistentHashingRouter and Akka.routing.ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter for routing configuration
Dependency InjectionUses dependency injectionIt uses dependency injection and allows modification
StructureLess manageable in comparison to CBetter structure, user- friendly, easier to create and maintain large applications.
SpeedRelatively slower than C++Java is faster than C#

Wrapping out

Java, basically being influenced by the C language, derives most of its syntax from C++ and C. However, Java features less low-level facilities than C or C++. C# is simply a multi-paradigm programming language. It is dependent upon the C programming language. C# or C sharp was developed for Microsoft for its .NET Framework. Java enables the programmer to run the same code on various platforms. So, applications based on Java usually compile to bytecode. Java turned out to be one of the most famous programming languages by 2012. Especially in the platform of the client-server web application. Being approved by ECMA and ISO as a standard, C# includes strong imperative, typing, declarative, procedural, functional, generic, class-based, component-oriented, and object-oriented programming discipline. C# was basically developed for Common Language Infrastructure. It is a modern, simple, general-purpose and user-friendly language for programming. C# supports array bounds, type checking, checks uninitialized variables and collect garbage. It also provides durability, programmer productivity, and software robustness. Java arrays are an immediate specialization of the object and point out checked and unchecked exceptions.  However, there are many areas where C# versus Java Performance are similar in syntactic terms.

Thank you for reading.

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Section 1. Introduction. 1.1 C# programming language

Section 1. Introduction. 1.2 Introduction to .NET Framework

Section 1. Introduction. 1.3 C# versions history

Section 1. Introduction. 1.4 C# vs Java

Section 1. Introduction. 1.5 C# get started

Section 1. Introduction. 1.6 Your first program – Hello world

Section 1. Introduction. 1.7 C# identifiers and keywords

Section 2. Fundamentals. 2.1 C# Comments

Section 2. Fundamentals. 2.2 C# Data types

Section 2. Fundamentals. 2.3 C# Constants and Literals

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